Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

7 Tempat Terangker Di Dunia

1. The Winchester Mystery House

Pada 1881, Sarah Winchester, janda pembuat senjata terkenal, Oliver Winchester, tiba-tiba percaya bahwa ia harus mendapat perlindungan dari semua arwah orang yang terbunuh oleh senjata ini. Seorang cenayang mengatakan kepadanya bahwa ada baiknya ia terus menambahkan ruangan di rumahnya di San Jose, California, sehingga hantu yang berusaha menemukan dia akan kebingungan. Sarah percaya dan ia terus melakukan hal ini selama 40 tahun, dengan menambahkan lebih dari 100 ruangan dan tangga, sampai ia meninggal pada 1922. Setelah ia meninggal, rupanya hantu Sarah masih mendatangi dan berjalan diantara ruangan di rumahnya. Bangunan ini sampai sekarang menjadi atraksi tersendiri bagi turis.
2. The Amityville Horror

13 November 1974, enam anggota keluarga di Amityville, New York, dibunuh oleh salah seorang anak di keluarga itu, Ronald Jr. (“Butch“) DeFeo. Dalam peradilan, DeFeo mengaku bahwa ia terdorong oleh kekuatan setan yang ada dirumah itu untuk membunuh. Pemilik baru rumah dengan alamat 112 Ocean Avenue juga mengaku mengalami berbagai fenomena seram, yang akhirnya ditulis dalam novel dan film-film horor. Tapi semua even supernatural tersebut tidak pernah berhasil dibuktikan dan pengacara DeFeo mengakui bahwa semua cerita yang ada hanyalah bohongan.
3. Alcatraz

Karang sekaligus Penjara paling terkenal di dunia yang berada di San Francisco Bay ini, berhasil memerangkap banyak imajinasi masyarakat dalam berbagai film dan buku. Penjara yang dingin, gelap dan menyedihkan ini sudah berkali-kali menjadi saksi bisu atas pembunuhan, pemberontakan, bunuh diri dan berbagai hal seram lain selama 29 tahun ia menjadi penjara. Selama itu juga, Alcatraz membuahkan berbagai cerita tentang suaraaneh, sel yang tertutup dengan sendirinya, jeritan dengan asal yang tidak jelas, dan berbagai macam penampakan mengerikan.
4. Pondok Fox Bersaudara

Fenomena ini tidak se-terkenal tempat lain, tapi pondok Fox bersaudara ini mungkin adalah rumah berhantu paling penting, karena semenjak fenomena ini muncul, maka banyak standar mengenai rumah berhantu ditetapkan berdasarkan cerita di rumah ini, bahkan pondok ini meluncurkan satu kepercayaan baru. Pada 1848, Hydesville, New York barat, dua kakak beradik, Maggie dan Katie Fox mulai berkomunikasi dengan arwah pedagang yang terbunuh. Kedua kakak adik ini, dengan semacam sesi tanya jawab arwah, menanyakan sesuatu, dengan jawaban berupa ketikan yang misterius. Banyak orang terpesona, bahkan ibu mereka sendiri terpesona dan percaya bahwa ini adalah benar-benar sesi tanya jawab dengan arwah. Tapi akhirnya kedua kakak adik ini mengakui bahwa tindakan mereka hanyalah main-main. Tetapi kepercayaan baru yang muncul, Spiritualisme, masih tetap bertahan dan berjalan.

5. Gedung Putih

The Washington, D.C., rumah dinas presiden AS ini tentunya telah menjadi tuan rumah atas berbagai tragedi yang terjadi selama beberapa abad ini. Mulai dibakarnya rumah ini pada 1814 oleh pasukan Inggris, sampai beberapa kali percobaan (dan ada juga yang berhasil) pembunuhan. Salah satu kisah seram yang ada adalah hantu Abraham Lincoln. Janda Abe, Mary Todd, memperkuat dengan berbagai sesi tanya jawab arwah di Gedung Putih. Hantu lain yang juga terkenal antara lain adalah Andrew Jackson, Dolley Madison, dan Abigail Adams, walaupun mereka sekarang jarang terlihat.
6. Segitiga Bermuda

peta segitiga bermuda

Mendengar Segitiga Bermuda tentu semua orang hampir mengetahui keangkeran tempat tersebut. Misteri hilangnya beberapa kapal laut dan pesawat di kawasan Segitiga Bermuda, tentu membuat setiap orang tercekam. Di sana juga diyakini menjadi tempat bersemayam Setan Segitiga Bermuda. Tempat tersebut terletak di antara Miami, Bermuda, dan san Juan (Puerto Rico). Cerita yang paling menarik adalah hilangnya semua skuadron pesawat pembom tahun 1945, dan hilangnya beberapa kapal besar. Anehnya, tidak satu pun mayat atau puing pesawat, dan kapal ditemukan. Bahkan beberapa alat mencatat adanya gelombang elektromagnet yang ganjil di tempat tersebut. Banyak orang yang percaya bahwa tempat tersebut dijadikan markas mahkluk luar angkasa.
7. Edinburgh

Kota terpendam Edinburgh, selatan Bridge, yang terdiri dari jaringan ruwet bawah tanah, kamar, terowongan kapal, dan gang telah terbungkus dalam misteri dan intrik selama ini. Kota ini dibuka tahun 1788, tetapi hampir tidak diketahui keberadaannya, sampai tahun 1985, kota tersebut ditemukan kembali. Diyakini di tempat tersebut menjadi tempat hidup dan matinya ribuan orang bawah tanah.

The Legend RoroJonggrang


Loro Jonggrang was the daughter of King Prabu BAka, who reigned over the ancient Javanese kingdom of Prambanan. Prabu Baka wa a cruel, powerful king who ruled by sheer terror, and for a long time none dared challenge him but finally, in a fierce battle, he was killed by the King of Pengging. This victory was due to the King’s first minister Bandawasa, who fought with a weapon possessing supernatural powers. Bandawasa had named his magic weapon ‘Bandung’ and for this reason he himself was known as ‘Bandung Bandawasa.’

Upon the defeat of Prabu Baka, the King of Pengging established Bandung Bandawasa in the palace at Prambanan. Not long after his arrival, Bandung Bandawasa expressed his desire to take to wife the Princess Loro Jonggrang, the daughter of his victim.

Now Loro Jonggrang had no desire whatsoever to marry the murderer of her own father, but she had little choice in the matter. She and the Patih discussed the problem at great length. If the Princess rejected Bandung Bandawasa’s Proposal, there was no foreseeing what dire result might follow; If she accepted, it would break her heart. Finally, the Patih made a wise suggestion : the Princess should accept the proposal, but on conditions that Bandung “Bandawasa was told of the princess’ requirements, he objected strongly to himself, but to the princess he stated his readiness to perform what she demanded of him.
Fortunately for Bandung, there were two persons he could call upon for help, both of whom possessed magic powers. One was his father, Damarmaya, who had at his disposal a whole army of men capable of performing super huma tasks. The other was the mighty King of Pengging whom once he himself had helped in the defeat of King Prabu Baka. Both expressed their willingness to help Bandung Bandawasa complete the temples and the wells in the stipulated time.

The date was fixed, and in the evening Damarmaya’s army, with the followers of Bandung Bandawasa, began their giant construction job. Miraculously five hundred temples had already been completed by midnight. Loro Jonggrang had sent a representative to watch the progress of the work, and by four o’clock in the morning he saw nine hundred and ninety-five temples already built, and two deep wells nearly finished. He returned to the palace with news of this incredible progress, and the Princess and the Patih and the whole palace were fulfilled, as it now appeared they would be, the Princess would have to marry the man who had murdered her father. What were they to do?

Again the Patih had an idea. Quickly he went to several nearby villages where he waked the young maidens and ordered them to fetch their rice pounders and begin pounding rice at once.

Around each rice-pounder he carefully arranged fragrant flowers.

With all their magic, the workmen still had to work fragrant frantically to complete the temples and wells in time, and they were so deeply engrossed in their hammering and chiseling that they did not even hear the first sounds of the pounding of rice. Then one of the men caught it ; then another, and another, each one of them stopping for a moment to listen and then, as the sound became clearer, all of them stopped, for the pounding of the rice as well as the fragrance of the flowers permeating the air about them were signs that dawn had broken and their work was over.

At break of dawn Bandung Bandawasa was at the site to view the work of his men. With a joyful heart he gazed upon the tremendous assemblage of temples before him. He counted them himself and to his great consternation discovered that there were 999 temples! He soon learned the reason for the failure of his men to reach the goal, and in blazing anger he pronounced a curse on all young maidens in the neighbourhood of Prambanan. From that day forward no girl was to be allowed to marry until she had reached an advanced age.

Loro Jonggrang herself he changed into a statue, and to this day she stands in the great inner hall of the largest of the temples, known as ‘The Temple of Loro Jonggrang.’ And even though Bandung Bandawasa’s army fell short of the thousand he had demanded of them, the whole group near the ‘ Temple of Loro Jonggrang’ is still call ‘The Thousands Temples.’

(Adapted from; Pusdiklat bahasa Dephan supplementary material,1999)

The legend of Timun Mas

The legend of Timun Mas

Long time ago, there was a farmer couple. Unfortenately, they hadn’t had any children yet.
They prayed to God for a child One day a giant passed their home. He heard what they were praying. Then giant gave them a cucumber seed.
Then the couple planted teh cucumber sees. Each day the took care of teh growing plant so carefully. Month later, a golden cucumber grew from the plant. Teh cucumber was getting heavier and bigger each day. When it was ripe, they picked it. Carefully they cut of the cucumber and how surprised were they when found a beuatiful bay inside. They were so happy. They named the baby Timun Mas.
Many years after, Timun Mas had grown into a beautiful girl. Her parents were very happy. But thier happiness turned to fear when her 17th birthday came. The giant was going to take Timun Mas away.
The father was giving a small bag to Timun Mas, equipped with magic stuff, salt, chilty, cucumber seed, shrimp paste as weapon. Her father told her that it could help her from the giant. He ordered Timun Mas to run away.
The giant was chasing Timun Mas and he was getting closer and closer. Timun Mas then took a hardful of salt from her small bag. She spread out the salt behind her. Suddenly a wide sea appeared between them.
Timun Mas was still running, the giant almost caught her. Then she took some chilly and threw them to the giant. The chilly suddenly grew into some trees and trapped the giant. Timun Mas could escape again.
Unfotunately the giant almost caught Timun Mas. So she took me the third magic stuff, the cucumber seeds. She trow the seeds and suddenly they became a wide cucumber field. The giant ate those fresh cucumber. He ate so much that he felt sleepy and fell asleep soon.
Timun Mas kept on running as fast as she could. But the giant had woken up Timun Mas so scared. Then she threw her last weapon, shrimp paste. It became a big swamp. The giant fell into it but his hands almost reached Timun Mas. But at last he was drowned.
Timun Mas was safe now. Then she returned to her parents house her parents were very happy.

Malin Kundang

Long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatera, lived a woman and her son, Malin Kundang. Malin Kundang's father had passed away when he was a baby, and he had to live hard with his mother.
Malin Kundang was a healthy, dilligent, and strong child. He usually went to the sea to catch fish, and brought it to his mother, or sold it in the town.
One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing as usual, he saw a merchant's ship which was being raided by a small band of pirates. With his brave and power, Malin Kundang defeated the pirates. The merchant was so happy and asked Malin Kundang to sail with him. Malin Kundang agreed.
Many years later, Malin Kundang became a wealthty merchant, with a huge ship, loads of trading goods, many ship crews, and a beautiful wife. In his journey, his ship landed on a beach. The villagers reconigzed him, and the news ran fast in the town: Malin Kundang became a rich man and now he is here. His mother, in deepful sadnees after years of loneliness, ran to the beach to meet her beloved son again.
When the mother came, Malin Kundang, in front of his well dressed wife, his crews and his own gloriness, denied to meet that old, poor and dirty woman. For three times she begged Malin Kundang and for three times yelled at him. At last Malin Kundang said to her "Enough, old woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly peasant!" Then he ordered his crews to set sail.
Enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone if he didn't apologize. Malin Kundang just laughed and set sail.
In the quiet sea, suddenly a thunderstorm came. His huge ship was wrecked and it was too late for Malin Kundang to apologized. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship, fell on a small island, and suddenly turned into stone.
(Adapted from a Minangkabau Folk Tale from West Sumatera)


The Golden Snail Princess
(Keong Mas)

The Indonesian tale of the Golden Snail Princess 
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful Princess "Dewi Galuh Chandra Kirana" from the Kingdom of Daha. When she grew older she met Prince "Inu Kertapati" from the Kingdom of Kahuripan and they fell in love. Much to the happiness of everyone and with the support of the Kings from both Kingdoms, they became engaged.
The people of both Kingdoms celebrated the good news of the engagement and every one was happy, except one. The jealous Lady Galuh Ajeng did not enjoy the news as she wanted to become the wife of the Prince. She said to herself: "I need to find a way to separate the Prince and the Princess before they get married". Desperate as she was and willing to do everything to avoid a marriage, Lady Galuh Ajeng went to an evil Witch and asked the Witch to put a spell on Princess Dewi Galuh Chandra Kirana. "Your request, Lady Galuh Ajeng, will be fulfiled . I'll put a spell on the Princess", said the bad Witch. "That's good news. After the Princess is cursed, the Prince will marry me!", exclaimed Lady Galuh Ajeng with joy and laughter.
Under Lady Galuh Ajeng's influence, the King of Daha started to despise the Princess.
"Get out of this palace, you are not worth to be my daughter anymore. You will not marry Prince Inu Kertapati!", screamed the King in anger to Princess Dewi Galuh Chandra Kirana. So it was, the King told his own daughter to leave the Kingdom.
Since then on, the Princess roamed the country without direction. She wandered through forests and walked through the fields. Until one day she found herself all alone on a deserted beach. " Dear God, what will happen to me. What will I become?", cried the Princess in tears as she fell on her knees. It was at that moment, that the spell of the bad Witch fell on her and the Princess turned into a Golden Snail. A large wave came and dragged the Golden Snail into the sea.
Finally, after days, the Golden Snail washed ashore on a beach nearby the village of Dadapan. There an old lady from the village of Dadapan saw the Golden Snail on the white sandy beach. "What a beautiful snail you are", said the old lady. "Come with me, I will take well care of you", and she took the Golden Snail to her humble home near the beach. As soon as she arrived home, the old lady placed the Golden Snail in a pot with fresh clean water. "Stay here, beautiful snail" she said with a large smile on her old and wrinkled face, and then as usual she went to the beach to catch fish. The old lady had no luck that day and went home with empty hands and a rumbling stomach. However, when she came home she was surprised to find her table laid with delicious and tasty food.
The following day, when she came back from the beach, she saw smoke coming out of her house and wondered "What is going on in my house?". The old lady took a peek into the house and there she saw a young lady cooking in her kitchen. "Who is she?", asked the old lady to herself, and then rushed in to ask the young lady. Princess Dewi Galuh Chandra Kirana told her story about the curse and how she turned into a Golden Snail. "Jealousy is indeed a terrible thing and can cause other people to suffer" said the old lady, feeling sad to hear the Princess' story. The old lady prayed: "Dear God, please listen to my humble pray, take the curse off the Princess".
Meanwhile, the news of the missing of Princess Dewi Galuh Chandra Kirana came to the ears of Prince Inu Kertapati. The Prince felt unhappy and immediately went of to search his beloved Princess.
Months passed by and the Prince roamed the country and roved the seas and one day he came to the village of Dadapan, where he found his Princess. The Prince and Princess had finally found each other again and from that moment on the curse vanished from the Princess forever. Prince Inu Kertapati took the Princess back to his palace, and they brought the old lady from the village of Dadapan with them.
At the end, the Prince and the Princess got married, and later on Prince Inu Kertapati was crowned as King Kameswara I of the Kindom of Kahuripan (Kediri).
Love and faith can overcome all problems and truth and honesty will win over hatred and evil deed. That is the moral of the story of the Golden Snail Princess.